Time Details

This screen allows you to setup and maintain specific TIME information for an employee to link the employee to the Preceda TIME module. An employee must be specified before TIME information is applied.


Rules and Guidelines

  • This window is also available as a non-mandatory part of the Hire workflow in Preceda People.
  • Employee ID must be numeric. No alpha character should be used for a TIME employee.

  • The time clocks that the employee is allowed to use to punch times are found at the lower part of this window. If no time clocks are specified, it is assumed that the employee can punch at any clock.
  • Any employee who has a past, current, or future record is displayed on the search results list. When an employee does not have a current record, fields such as Pay Period Rule, Daily Rule, Badge, etc are displayed as 'blank' and will only be populated when viewing a date when the record is/ was current.
  • An employee must be selected before the time details are applied.
  • Employee Time Details along with any Primary Schedules associated with the employee can be removed by selecting the employee, then selecting Delete Record.
  • An "empty" Time Editor Prior Period record has been added so that retrospective times can be entered and to allow retrospective calculation for any Prior Period Time records of the employee. This is created on the Time Editor when:

    • Preceda Variable *PRECEDATIME_RETRO = Y;
    • Preceda Variable *PRECEDATIME_REALIGN is not set to Y;
    • There is only one Time Details Record existing; AND
    • There is no Posted Time Editor or Allowances record existing for the employee

    Once created, the Prior Retro Period cannot be removed. The blank entries can be seen on the Time Editor date picker. This is to cater for employees who are hired with a date in the past.

Field Information