Define Access Profiles

This window enables the user to set which modules, windows, activities or screens will be available to a User, including the level of access that they have for that particular screen (e.g. ability to modify records in a particular screen).

Rules and Guidelines

  • These profiles control the user's access to the modules, access for Crystal Report and Preceda Extractor.
  • This window is also used for the initial implementation of Module Security and for the review and maintenance of the access allowed for groups of users once they are setup.
  • When a new Access profile is setup, Preceda automatically selects all modules and defines the access privilege to Exclude.
  • Dayforce Modules (i.e. Dayforce and Control Panel HCM) are only visible on this screen if Preceda Variable *PP_AHCM_ACTIVE Position 1 is set to Y.

Field Information